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Auto clears chunks when there are no players present
version 3.0.1
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2320 Downloads / 9352 Total
5 Reviews
Plugin Description §


A PocketMine-MP plugin that automatically clears chunks in specified worlds at regular intervals.


  • Automatic clearing of chunks in configured worlds.
  • Configurable clearing interval to suit your server's needs.
  • Command-based chunk clearing options for manual control.
  • Customizable messages for different events to enhance player experience.
  • Blacklist support for excluding specific worlds from chunk clearing.
  • Auto-update notifier to keep the plugin up to date with the latest releases.

Default Config

# AutoClearChunk Configuration

# Enable Auto Schedule
# Determines whether the plugin automatically schedules the task to clear unloaded chunks at the specified interval.
# Set to 'true' to enable auto schedule, 'false' to disable.
enable-auto-schedule: true

# Clear Interval Duration
# Determines the time interval at which unloaded chunks are automatically cleared.
# The value should be specified as a duration format string.
# Examples: 1h (1 hour), 30m (30 minutes), 15s (15 seconds)
clear-interval-duration: 5m30s

# Message displayed when chunks are cleared using the ClearChunk command
# Use %d placeholder for the number of cleared chunks and %s placeholder for the world name.
# You can customize the message using color codes.
# Default: "Successfully cleared %d chunks in world %s"
clearchunk-message: "&aSuccessfully cleared %d chunks in world %s"

# Message broadcasted to all players when chunks are cleared using the ClearChunk command
# Use %d placeholder for the number of cleared chunks and %s placeholder for the world name.
# You can customize the message using color codes.
# Default: "&e%d chunks have been cleared in world %s"
clearchunk-broadcast-message: "&e%d chunks have been cleared in world %s"

# Message displayed when chunks are cleared using the ClearAllChunk command
# Use %d placeholder for the number of cleared chunks.
# You can customize the message using color codes.
# Default: "Successfully cleared %d chunks in all worlds"
clearallchunk-message: "&aSuccessfully cleared %d chunks in all worlds"

# Message broadcasted to all players when chunks are cleared using the ClearAllChunk command
# Use %d placeholder for the number of cleared chunks.
# You can customize the message using color codes.
# Default: "&e%d chunks have been cleared in all worlds"
clearallchunk-broadcast-message: "&e%d chunks have been cleared in all worlds"

# Enable or Disable Message broadcast to all players when chunk are cleared
broadcast-message: true

# List of worlds that are blacklisted and won't be cleared
# Add the names of any worlds you want to exclude from the clearing process.
# Default: []
  - your_world
  - another_world


The plugin configuration file (config.yml) allows you to customize various aspects of the AutoClearChunk plugin. Here are the configurable options:

  • enable-auto-schedule (boolean): Set this option to true if you want to enable the automatic chunk clearing schedule. If set to false, chunks will only be cleared manually using commands.
  • clear-interval-duration (string): Specify the duration interval at which chunks should be cleared automatically. The duration should be specified in the format of 1h30m for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • clearchunk-message (string): Customize the message sent to players when chunks are cleared using the /clearchunk command.
  • clearchunk-broadcast-message (string): Customize the message broadcasted to all players when chunks are cleared using the /clearchunk command.
  • clearallchunk-message (string): Customize the message sent to players when chunks are cleared using the /clearallchunk command.
  • clearallchunk-broadcast-message (string): Customize the message broadcasted to all players when chunks are cleared using the /clearallchunk command.
  • broadcast-message (boolean): Set this option to true if you want to enable the broadcasting message when Chunk Cleared
  • blacklisted-worlds (array): Specify a list of worlds to exclude from chunk clearing. Add world names as individual array items.

You can edit the config.yml file using a text editor to adjust the plugin's behavior, customize messages, and define the worlds where chunk clearing should be applied.


The AutoClearChunk plugin provides the following commands for chunk clearing:

  • /clearchunk: Clears all chunks in the current world. Players receive a notification message.
    • Permission: autoclearchunk.command.clearchunk
  • /clearallchunk: Clears all chunks in all configured worlds. Players receive a notification message.
    • Permission: autoclearchunk.command.clearallchunk


To control access to the commands provided by the AutoClearChunk plugin, the following permissions are available:

  • autoclearchunk.command.clearchunk: Allows players to use the /clearchunk command.
  • autoclearchunk.command.clearallchunk: Allows players to use the /clearallchunk command.

Grant these permissions to specific player groups or individuals using a permissions management plugin of your choice.

Upcoming Features

  • Currently none planned. You can contribute or suggest for new features.

Additional Notes

  • If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here.
  • We accept all contributions! If you want to contribute, please make a pull request in here.
  • Icons made from
What's new §
  • Add ability to enable and disable Broadcast Message when Chunk Cleared
  • Support API PM5
  • Support src-namespace-prefix
  • Added composer & renovate
  • Improve validation configuration
  • Configurable messages
  • Added option to enable schedule task
  • Now clear interval support duration format
  • Updated permission name
  • Now using LatamPMDevs/UpdateNotifier
  • Bump version UpdateNotifier
  • Update to PM4
  • Added Commands /clearchunk And /clearallchunk
  • If use /clearchunk you can input name worlds (Optional)
  • Example: /clearchunk Lobby(Optional)
  • Added UpdateNotifier and config check
  • Fixed config default values are false
  • Fixed flip condition
  • Edit Version to 2
  • Edit version
  • Fix bug and add Refresh World
  • Fix lint
  • Improve plugin

using v2.2.1
19 Mar 22
It works very well, the only downside is that it cleans even the chunks in which there is an oven burning materials and that can annoy the players.
using v2.2.1
10 Mar 22
using v2.1.0
12 Nov 21
Excellent plugin, easy to use, does not cause errors and does its job. How about an option to disable the message?
12 Nov 21
Thanks for the review, you can set message to ""
using v2.1.0
30 Sep 21
12 Nov 21
Thanks for the review
using v2.0.0
22 Sep 21
12 Nov 21
Thanks for the review

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Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @AIPTU
    • @KRUNCHSHooT
    • @XanderID
  • Contributors:
    • @Endermanbugzjfc
License §
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