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AzusaBanItem is a Pocketmine plug-in that works to block the use of items / blocks in the world
Commands | Default | Permission |
/banitem |
Op | azusabanitem.command.banitem |
/unbanbanitem |
Op | azusabanitem.command.unbanitem |
/banitemlist |
Op | azusabanitem.command.banitemlist |
# AzusaBanItem Configuration
# Allows op players to not be affected by banned items
allow-op: true
# Message when successfully ban and unban items
ban_success_message: "§aItem has been successfully banned"
unban_success_message: "§aItem has been successfully unbanned"
# Message when an item has been previously banned
already_banned_message: "§cThe item is already on the banned"
# Message when the item you want to ban is not in the player's hand
no_item_message: "§cNo blocks/items detected in your hand"
# Message when unbanned item but item is not banned
not_banned_message: "§cThe item is not banned"
# Message when a banned item is used by a player
banned_usage_message: "§cThis item/block is banned from the world"
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