A new BedWars plugin by XenialDan
A video by "Techno Tiger Gaming" explaining the setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-z6nluLa9w
Set up an arena:
Use the command /bw setup
to open an ui, where you can add, create and modify arenas.
It allows you to create item spawners, set team spawn points, build in the world and create villager shops.
Remember to use /bw endsetup
when you are done - it automatically saves and backs up the world.
There are {arenaname}.json
files, where you can modify some settings like team damaging and breakable blocks.
Joining / Sign setup
Joining is done by using signs, but you can add any event for joining that you'd like - in JoinEventListener.php
Sign setup:
L1: [BedWars]
L2: mapname
Rewards and win messages
If you want to give rewards to the winning player/team, you can either listen for the WinEvent
in any plugin, or use gamereward
FAQ / Common issues
- Villager is moving / can not open shop: Don't use any AI plugin next to this plugin
- No blocks in world: Use a world editor
- How to set beds? Go into arena edit mode, select build. Place beds. Change to Set-Spawnpoint mode. Break beds. Done
- How to change the shop? See https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/BedWars/issues/29 and TODO list
- [ ] Settings for villager shop (entity used, items)
- [ ] Spectator mode
- [ ] Scoreboard
You damn troll, that was buchwasa.
bro, why should i pay for an update on your Plugin i can update it for myself but im ask for the other peoples
I'm sorry, but i don't feel like ruining my mental state further with PHP and for this ungrateful community.
Hey will the plugin be updated for pmmp 4.0
Everything is done well, only that the villager shop is not generated and when starting the game it causes the server to close
On start, the plugin crashes.
Seems the project is no longer
updated as the github is archived
Stop running it on versions it does not support then. 🤦‍♂️
Love this plugin working OP.
I'm creating IndiaCraft Network so it's working on it thanks for this plugin.
Doesn't work, hasn't for a long time.
It works fine for the supported API versions. Check GitHub for issues first please.
Please help whenever I join my server the map I made get deleted please help
Check GitHub for issues please.
Please fix. Every time I join the game it says internal server error. I am on the latest version of pocket mine.
Enable debug level 2 and send the server log on GitHub.
How can i fix internals server error when clicking the sign
Enable debug level 2 and send the server log on GitHub.
awsome plugin but it would be grate if you could add it so you can chose what items spawn and add diamond spawners!
Please suggest features on GitHub
The truth is that it is very good, but if it is called bedwars you must have the option of establishing the beds of each team, Also, when you want to set the spawn of team No. 8, I don't remember its color but nothing happens and the villagers don't work.
You just place the beds in build mode. Please refer to the issues / readme next time.
Plugin Crashed My Server Indemnity!!!! LOL it's Just a Trickery I'm happy with this plugin So Plis Fix This Plugin
I am not making sense of your comment, thank you regardless. Enable debug level 2 and send the server log on GitHub.
Plugin works fine but 1 thing doesnt works. Everytime if i die I respawn at the worldspawn please fix
Use /setworldspawn before you stop editing the map. Make sure to use the commands to save the world.
Whenever I win / lose a round the map is not saved and an internal server error occurs, update it and it gets 5 stars
Enable debug level 2 and send the server log on GitHub. Be sure you set up the map correctly and saved it after setup.
easy setup but when I go to join through the sign it says inaccessible Players[0/0]
It can't say that because there is no code that would cause this message. Enable debug level 2 and send the server log and steps on GitHub.
The Aqua Spawn set block doesn't seem to work!
Thank you, i found the cause of this and patched it.
can u please add a random arena join command please! (like /bw join random)
when players die it says "no spawn set, using original world sapawn!" and then you teleported to the worldspawn(wich is mid) please hix that
Hello, this plugin very good, but when I want kill player server crashes with error: Internal Server Error. Players spawns in the spawn of the world, villagers reset their rotations!
Please fix it and get 5 star!
very nice plugin, more could put a scoreboard, when dies not having the red screen and having the count to be reborn for example: you will be reborn in 5 seconds, and also put the config.yml to edit the messages
Good wish i can use beds like the original bedwars
Very nice, but when the players die, they respawn in the world spawn point What should I do?
And there are no settings in the config.yml
Plugin is really awesome! Could you
add a command to Change the Shop? 5 Stars when yes :D
Good job, but the shops are despawning when you leave the world or when you click and open the shop
Please make sure that there is a phase with the join sign, e.g. lobby for lobby phase restart for restart phase and starting for starting phase and so on. In addition, please do that with joinsign, how many people are in the world and how many can get in.
Hi, This Plugin is great but when I try joining through a sign it kicks me for (Internal Server Error) Can you please fix this apart from that this plugin is great!
Not good, doesn't work, plus makes everything in server delete sometimes and most times when trying to see up u can't even place blocks and this happens PERMANENTLY
I made a new Arena and loaded in and i couldn't place anything/there where no blocks at all.
really good plugin, however I have a problem. I placed beds but when you die you dont go to the beds even if their not broken.
You have to properly set the spawn points in the setup mode. Break the beds to register them
Plugin is great but the Shop Villager doesn't work. But other than that no complaints ! Great work !
Really good, but one problem: If I make a blank world, I can't place bocks because there's no surface to place them on. Maybe put a block of bedrock in the middle, as PM doesn't have fill or setblock
I type /bw setup and chose new arena, that isint work.
Check GitHub for solutions
Shop Villager Not working and the villager is moving
How do you edit villagers shop as I've tried code it going on json file but nothing there except from break blocks max players all that help pls but Awesome Plugin.
Sadly currently you can only edit them in the code. It might change in a future update, make sure to check the GitHub from time to time
Good plugin, but how players can earn money when they win.
Thank you. You have to install https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/gamereward and load the server once, then save + stop, and edit the gamereward config to run commands (executed as console)
you can make it, it works until you fall and die or win.you will respawn in the same map not in server lobby map and plugin does not reset map
The bug has been reported before.
great plugin were can i found the addons ?
There are no addons. If you mean libraries/virions, check the README or my GitHub profile https://github.com/thebigsmileXD
Please add UI shop and win Msg and other stuff
The shop is in an Inventory. Win messages are broadcasted via Title. If you need further win messages, install the plugin gamerewards
Many thanks, i hope you enjoy!
This plugin looks amazing! The only downside is that i cant use it. Everytime i go to .bw setup, and then click existing server my game crashes and sais ”eternal error” please help, looks sick
Please create an issue and provide a crash log at github https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/BedWars/issues/new
Great but after setting up i cant place blocks in any world. Skyblock skywars and survival maps are ruined. Need8ng help
Have you set it up correctly? (/bw setup)
Please create an issue on github https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/BedWars
Great plugin. But how to use the gamereward plugin? Please explain.
Could you create an issue on the repo? I might need to enhance the readme https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/gamereward/issues/new
Never seen plugins more comfortable and faster to use
Many thanks! Please leave a message on GitHub if you experience issues or have feature requests
please update, add new config variable and features (kits, tittle, config game in UI menu)
Please consider reporting bugs on github, this way it is easier for me to fix