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The best ItemID for PocketMine-MP 5.0 servers. Special use for builders.
This plugin adds options to see the ID of the blocks in the game, you can customize their texts and sounds very easily through 'config.yml'. Page for the sounds of the game sounds
# ____ _ _ ___ _ ___ ____
# | __ ) ___ | |_ | |_ ___ _ __ |_ _| | |_ ___ _ __ ___ |_ _| | _ \
# | _ \ / _ \ | __| | __| / _ \ | '__| | | | __| / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | | | | | |
# | |_) | | __/ | |_ | |_ | __/ | | | | | |_ | __/ | | | | | | | | | |_| |
# |____/ \___| \__| \__| \___| |_| |___| \__| \___| |_| |_| |_| |___| |____/
# by fernanACM
# The best ItemID for PocketMine-MP 5.0 servers. Special use for builders.
# This plugin adds options to see the ID of the blocks in the game, you can
# customize their texts and sounds very easily through 'config.yml'.
# Page for the sounds of the game:
config-version: "2.0.0"
# =======(SETTINGS)=======
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable tip-id
No-tip-itemid: true
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable the sound when executing the command.
Id-no-sound: true
# I put the name of the sound you like: example:
# Id-sound: "cauldron.adddye"
Id-sound: "random.burp"
# =======(MESSAGES)=======
# Tip ID message
Tip-itemid: "&l&b»&r&f[&eITEM&f] §a{ID}&l&b«"
# Use '{LINE}' like 'enter' and use '{NAME}' to see the player's name.
- "§e=======(§bBetterItemID§e)======="
- "§cHELLO: §f{NAME}"
- "§aID: §b{ID}"
- "§e=========================="
# Block info message
block-info: "&e{ID}"
Command | Description |
/betteritemid |
To see the ID of the item in hand |
/betteritemid blockinfo |
Use blockinfo |
Permission | Description |
betteritemid.cmd.acm |
Executing the command |
betteritemid.use.acm |
Use blockinfo |
Redes | Tag | Link |
YouTube | fernanACM | YouTube |
Discord | fernanACM#5078 | Discord |
GitHub | fernanACM | GitHub |
Poggit | fernanACM | Poggit |
Authors | Github | Lib |
CortexPE | CortexPE | Commando |
Muqsit | Muqsit | SimplePacketHandler |
DaPigGuy | DaPigGuy | libPiggyUpdateChecker |
[x] Valid for: PM 5.3.0
[x] Support for PM5
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