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The best announcer for PocketMine-MP 5.0 servers, make messages for your users very easily. Make the best announcements for your server without any difficulty when making them, only with UI it will serve you
This is for the purpose of writing comfortably; Use the following keys for greater comfort:
- {LINE} => "\n" -> This counts as one space
- & => "ยง" -> Color code
- {PLAYER} => Player name
- {WORLD_NAME} => World name
- {HEALTH} => Player health
- {MAX_HEALTH} => Player max health
- {FOOD} => Player hunger
- {MAX_FOOD} => Player max hunger
- {ONLINE} => Connected players
- {MAX_ONLINE} => Player slots
# ____ _ _ _ ____ __ __
# | __ ) _ __ ___ __ _ __| | ___ __ _ ___ | |_ / \ / ___| | \/ |
# | _ \ | '__| / _ \ / _` | / _` | / __| / _` | / __| | __| / _ \ | | | |\/| |
# | |_) | | | | (_) | | (_| | | (_| | | (__ | (_| | \__ \ | |_ / ___ \ | |___ | | | |
# |____/ |_| \___/ \__,_| \__,_| \___| \__,_| |___/ \__| /_/ \_\ \____| |_| |_|
# by fernanACM
# The best announcer for PocketMine-MP 4.0 servers, make messages for your users very easily.
# Customize or disable the sound to the Broadcast, The page for the sounds is here:
config-version: "2.0.0"
Prefix: "&l&f[&6BroadcastACM&f]&7ยป&r "
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable broadcast
Broadcast: true
# The message production delay, default is '300' => 300 seconds
Broadcast-delay: 300
# Broadcast message mode
# Available message modes:
# - MESSAGE => Player chat message
# - TOAST => Player notification bar
mode: "MESSAGE"
# Sound list:
soundName: "random.pop2"
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable this option
sound: true
# Broadcast messages here, you can use the following 'keys' to improve the messages.
# [NOTE]
# Follow the Broadcast pattern to avoid possible errors.
# =======(KEYS)=======
# & => ยง
# {LINE} => "\n"
# {PLAYER} => Player's name
# {PING} => Player ping
# {ONLINE} => Connected players
# {MAX_ONLINE} => Player slots
# {WORLD_NAME} => World name
# {TPS} => Server heartbeat
- "&eHey &a{PLAYER}&e, thanks for using BroadcastACM"
- "&eVisit my discord server: &b"
- "&eRight now there are &a{ONLINE}&5/&c{MAX_ONLINE}&e people connected to the server"
- "&eHi &a{PLAYER}&e, your ping &d{PING} &eis amazing :o"
- "&eYou are in &6{WORLD_NAME}"
- "&eYour server has heartbeats of &a{TPS}"
# Discord
# Here is the Discord webhook URL:
url: ""
# Webhook name:
userName: "BroadcastACM"
# Webhook avatar:
avatarURL: ""
# Color:
color: "16776960"
# Discord broadcast
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable this option
enabled: false
# Title for broadcast
title: "BroadcastACM"
# Content for broadcast
# Check:
- "Hey, thanks for using BroadcastACM"
- "Visit my discord server:"
- "Don't forget to check my github:"
- "Hi! Are you new to BroadcastACM? Check the WIKI of the plugin:"
Command | Description |
/broadcastacm |
Open the main menu |
/broadcastacm help |
Command list |
/broadcastacm title |
Title and subTitle |
/broadcastacm toast |
Toast |
/broadcastacm tip |
Tip |
/broadcastacm actionbar |
ActionBar |
/broadcastacm popup |
Popup |
/broadcastacm message |
Message |
/broadcastacm discord |
Discord |
Permission | Description |
broadcastacm.cmd.acm |
Executing the command | |
Command list |
broadcastacm.message.acm |
Message |
broadcastacm.title.acm |
Title |
broadcastacm.tip.acm |
Tip |
broadcastacm.actionbar.acm |
ActionBar |
broadcastacm.toast.acm |
Toast |
broadcastacm.popup.acm |
Popup |
broadcastacm.discord.acm |
Discord |
Redes | Tag | Link |
YouTube | fernanACM | YouTube |
Discord | fernanACM#5078 | Discord |
GitHub | fernanACM | GitHub |
Poggit | fernanACM | Poggit |
Authors | Github | Lib |
Vecnavium | Vecnavium | FormsUI |
CortexPE | CortexPE | Commando |
CortexPE | CortexPE | DiscordWebhookAPI |
Muqsit | Muqsit | SimplePacketHandler |
DaPigGuy | DaPigGuy | libPiggyUpdateChecker |
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