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Allowing players to engage in exciting games like Blackjack, Coin Flip, and Number Guess!
version 1.0.0
Direct Download How to install?
44 Downloads / 44 Total
Plugin Description §

Casino Plugin for PocketMine-MP

A fully-featured casino plugin for PocketMine-MP, allowing players to engage in exciting games like Blackjack, Coin Flip, and Number Guess! The plugin integrates with BedrockEconomy for handling bets and winnings, offering a seamless experience for your Minecraft server.


  • Blackjack: Challenge the dealer and try to get closer to 21 without going over.
  • Coin Flip: Bet on heads or tails and test your luck!
  • Number Guess: Guess a number between 1 and 10 and see if you're lucky.
  • Configurable Messages: Customize all messages displayed to players via config.yml.
  • UI Integration: Uses Vecnavium\FormsUI for smooth and interactive menus.
  • Economy Support: Fully compatible with BedrockEconomy for handling virtual currency.


  • PocketMine-MP: Latest version.
  • BedrockEconomy: Economy plugin for PocketMine-MP.
  • Vecnavium\FormsUI: For user interface forms.


  1. Download the plugin's .phar file or compile it from source.
  2. Place the .phar file into your plugins/ folder.
  3. Restart your server.
  4. Ensure that both BedrockEconomy and FormsUI are installed and configured properly.


The plugin generates a config.yml file on the first run. Here's an example of the default configuration:

  main_menu_title: "Casino"
  blackjack_button: "Blackjack"
  coin_flip_button: "Coin Flip"
  number_guess_button: "Number Guess"
  blackjack_minimum_bet: "Minimum bet is 1!"
  blackjack_win: "You won $$amount!"
  blackjack_lose: "You lost $$amount!"
  coin_flip_win: "Flip: $flip - You won $$amount!"
  coin_flip_lose: "Flip: $flip - You lost $$amount!"
  number_guess_win: "Number was $number - You won $$amount!"
  number_guess_lose: "Number was $number - You lost $$amount!"
  insufficient_funds: "Insufficient funds!"
  account_not_found: "Account not found!"
  config_error: "Configuration error: 'messages' is missing or invalid."

You can customize these messages to fit your server's theme.



  • /casino: Opens the casino main menu.
Supported API versions
BedrockEconomy 4.0.4
View Plugin
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @SoyDavs
License §

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