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Simple plugin that allows you to punish combat loggers!
version 1.0.0
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2644 Downloads / 13436 Total
7 Reviews
Plugin Description §


PocketMine Plugin


CombatLogger allows you to punish and control players that try to combat log! You can prevent players from executing, specific commands in pvp or even kill them when they attempt to logout while in pvp. You can easily set up CombatLogger on your server by installing a phar and tweaking the settings to your liking! You can edit messages, set the combat timeout time and ban commands from players while they are tagged for pvp.

Command banning works by replacing the executed command alias with the registered command name. So if `/f` is an alias of `/faction`, then executing `/f home` in-game would be expanded to `/faction home` for the check so you must write it like this in the settings for it to work.
Command banning allows you to match any number of subcommands/options. The front of the executed command string will be compared in lowercase against the banned command strings for matches.

What's new §
  • CombatLogger: Rewrite for PM4
      • PocketMine-MP API 4.0.0 support
      • Better accuracy for combat tag timeout
      • Command banning now works by replacing the provided command alias with the registered command name. So if /f is an alias of /faction, then /f home would be expanded to /faction home.
      • Command banning allows you to match any number of subcommands/options. The front of the executed command string will be compared against the banned command strings.
  • Bump verion to 0.0.6 and update to API 3.0.0
  • Remove dependency on main plugin class from message manager
  • Support 3.0.0-ALPHA12
  • Remove annoying console messages upon enabling and disabling
  • Remove some debug code that shipped with the last release (oops)
  • Fix commands with extra slashes still being executed in combat
  • Fix for initial combat tag message not being sent
  • Bump to API 3.0.0-ALPHA-11
  • Bump version to 0.0.4
  • Fix for players not getting tagged again until their previous tag is removed and bump API version
Initial version

using v1.0.0
28 Jul 23
hi good plugin you can put it in pm5 pls
using v1.0.0
29 Mar 22
I have plugin who they don't have register the "commandmap". So it doesn't work with him
using v1.0.0
23 Mar 22
using v0.0.6
20 Apr 21
People can still type the commands in , to teleport , example /spawn , they just need to add a space / spawn to teleport
using v0.0.6
18 May 20
using v0.0.6
20 Jun 19
If I could see one thing to the everyone that sees this comment, *punches* “You are in combat, wait 10 seconds to get out!”
using v0.0.6
27 Apr 19
Good plugin very helpfull

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Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @JackNoordhuis
  • Contributors:
    • @fernanACM
License §
Anti-Griefing Tools

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