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A powerful plugin for server administrators to enhance region security.
version 2.0.0
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Plugin Description §

CustomAreas Plugin

CustomAreas is a powerful PocketMine-MP plugin designed to help server administrators create and manage protected regions within their Minecraft worlds. With CustomAreas, you can define specific areas where only players with the appropriate permissions can enter, ensuring better control and organization of your server environments.

Table of Contents


  • Region Creation and Management: Easily create, edit, and remove protected areas within your worlds.
  • Custom Entry Messages: Display personalized messages to players when they enter a region.
  • Permission-Based Access: Control access to regions using a robust permission system integrated with ChatPerms.
  • Multi-World Support: Define regions across multiple worlds on your server.
  • User-Friendly GUI: Utilize intuitive forms for managing regions without the need for complex commands.
  • Startup ASCII Art: Display a stylish ASCII art message in the server logs upon startup.


  1. Download the Plugin:

  2. Upload to Plugins Directory:

    • Place the downloaded CustomAreas.phar (or .zip if provided) into the plugins/ directory of your PocketMine-MP server.
  3. Restart the Server:

    • Restart your PocketMine-MP server to load the plugin. Upon startup, the plugin will generate a default config.yml file if it doesn't already exist.


The config.yml file allows you to customize messages, define regions, and set permissions. Below is an overview of the configuration options:


# =============================================================================
# CustomAreas Plugin Configuration File
# =============================================================================
# Configures messages and regions for the CustomAreas plugin.
# Customize messages and add or modify regions as needed.
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Messages Section
# =============================================================================
  gui_title: "Custom Areas"
  gui_content: "Choose an action:"
    - "Create Area"    # Index 0
    - "Edit Area"      # Index 1
    - "Remove Area"    # Index 2
    - "List Areas"     # Index 3
    - "Cancel"         # Index 4

  confirm_remove_title: "Confirm Removal"
  confirm_remove_content: "Are you sure you want to remove the area '{name}'?"
  no_permission: "You do not have permission to use this command."
  usage: "/ca <create|edit|remove|list|gui|pos1|pos2>"
  pos1_prompt: "Please set position 1 using /ca pos1."
  pos2_prompt: "Please set position 2 using /ca pos2."
  region_exists: "The region '{name}' already exists."
  create_success: "Region '{name}' has been created successfully."
  remove_success: "Region '{name}' has been removed successfully."
  edit_success: "Region '{name}' has been updated successfully."
  edit_pos1_success: "Position 1 for region '{name}' has been updated."
  edit_pos2_success: "Position 2 for region '{name}' has been updated."
  entering_region_denied: "You do not have permission to enter the region '{name}'."
  list_areas: "List of defined areas:"
  list_areas_empty: "No areas defined."
  edit_area_title: "Edit Area"
  edit_area_content: "Modify the area details below:"
  edit_area_name_prompt: "New Area Name"
  edit_area_change_pos1_prompt: "Change Position 1?"
  edit_area_change_pos2_prompt: "Change Position 2?"
  region_message_prompt: "Enter the custom entry message for this region:"
  region_message_default: "Welcome to {name}!"

# =============================================================================
# Regions Section
# =============================================================================
  # Example Region: Spawn
      x: 100      # Minimum X coordinate
      y: 64       # Minimum Y coordinate
      z: 100      # Minimum Z coordinate
      x: 200      # Maximum X coordinate
      y: 80       # Maximum Y coordinate
      z: 200      # Maximum Z coordinate
    world: world       # World name where the region is located
    permission: customareas.entry.spawn  # Permission required to enter
    message: "Welcome to Spawn!"         # Custom entry message

  # Example Region: Arena
      x: -50      # Minimum X coordinate
      y: 70       # Minimum Y coordinate
      z: -50      # Minimum Z coordinate
      x: 50       # Maximum X coordinate
      y: 90       # Maximum Y coordinate
      z: 50       # Maximum Z coordinate
    world: arena_world  # World name where the region is located
    permission: customareas.entry.arena  # Permission required to enter
    message: "Welcome to the Arena!"       # Custom entry message

  # Add more regions following the same format:
  # my_custom_region:
  #   min:
  #     x: 300
  #     y: 70
  #     z: 300
  #   max:
  #     x: 400
  #     y: 90
  #     z: 400
  #   world: my_world
  #   permission: customareas.entry.my_custom_region
  #   message: "Welcome to My Custom Region!"

Key Configuration Options

  • messages Section:

    • Customize all the messages displayed by the plugin, including GUI titles, prompts, success messages, and error messages.
    • Use {name} as a placeholder to dynamically insert the region name into messages.
  • regions Section:

    • Define each protected region with its minimum and maximum coordinates, world name, required permission, and custom entry message.
    • Ensure that the world specified is loaded on your server.

Adding New Regions

To add a new region, follow the existing structure under the regions section. For example:

    x: 300
    y: 70
    z: 300
    x: 400
    y: 90
    z: 400
  world: my_world
  permission: customareas.entry.my_custom_region
  message: "Welcome to My Custom Region!"


The CustomAreas plugin provides several commands to manage regions. Below are the available commands and their descriptions:

  • /ca

    • Opens the main GUI for managing regions.
    • Usage: /ca
  • /ca create

    • Initiates the process to create a new region.
    • Usage: /ca create
  • /ca edit

    • Opens the GUI to edit an existing region.
    • Usage: /ca edit
  • /ca remove

    • Opens the GUI to remove an existing region.
    • Usage: /ca remove
  • /ca list

    • Lists all defined regions.
    • Usage: /ca list
  • /ca gui

    • Opens the main GUI for managing regions.
    • Usage: /ca gui
  • /ca pos1

    • Sets Position 1 for creating or editing a region.
    • Usage: /ca pos1
  • /ca pos2

    • Sets Position 2 for creating or editing a region.
    • Usage: /ca pos2


Permissions control access to various commands and regions. Integrate CustomAreas with your permission management plugin (e.g., ChatPerms) to assign these permissions to players or groups.

Command Permissions

  • customareas.command
    • Description: Allows the use of all CustomAreas commands.
    • Usage: Assign this permission to players or groups that should have access to manage regions.

Region Entry Permissions

Each region has a unique permission node that controls who can enter it. These permissions are defined in the config.yml under each region.

  • customareas.entry.<region_name>
    • Description: Allows entry into the specified region.
    • Usage: Assign this permission to players or groups that should have access to the region.


  1. Accessing the GUI:

    • Use the /ca or /ca gui command to open the main CustomAreas GUI.
  2. Creating a New Region:

    • Click on the "Create Area" button in the GUI.
    • Enter the region name and a custom entry message.
    • Follow the prompts to set Position 1 and Position 2 by using /ca pos1 and /ca pos2 while standing in the desired locations.
  3. Editing an Existing Region:

    • Click on the "Edit Area" button in the GUI.
    • Select the region you want to edit.
    • Modify the region name, entry message, and choose whether to change Position 1 or Position 2.
  4. Removing a Region:

    • Click on the "Remove Area" button in the GUI.
    • Select the region you wish to remove and confirm the deletion.
  5. Listing All Regions:

    • Use the /ca list command to view all defined regions along with their details.
  6. Entering a Region:

    • When a player enters a defined region, the plugin checks if they have the necessary permission.
    • If permitted, the player sees the custom entry message.
    • If not, their movement is canceled, and they receive a denial message.


Creating a Region Named "Market"

  1. Open the GUI:

  2. Select "Create Area":

    • Click on "Create Area".
  3. Enter Details:

    • Area Name: market
    • Entry Message: Welcome to the Market!
  4. Set Positions:

    • Stand in the desired Position 1 and use:
      /ca pos1
    • Stand in the desired Position 2 and use:
      /ca pos2
  5. Assign Permissions:

    /cp addgroupperm vip

Editing the "Market" Region

  1. Open the GUI:

  2. Select "Edit Area":

    • Click on "Edit Area".
  3. Choose "market":

    • Select the "market" region.
  4. Modify Details:

    • New Area Name: central_market (or leave blank to keep the same)
    • Entry Message: Welcome to the Central Market!
    • Change Position 1: Yes/No
    • Change Position 2: Yes/No

Removing the "Central Market" Region

  1. Open the GUI:

  2. Select "Remove Area":

    • Click on "Remove Area".
  3. Choose "central_market":

    • Select the "central_market" region.
  4. Confirm Removal:

    • Confirm the deletion when prompted.

CustomAreas enhances your PocketMine-MP server by providing a flexible and secure way to manage protected regions. Empower your server administration with precise control and personalized player experiences. Happy crafting!

Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @SoyDavs
License §
Admin Tools
World Editing and Management
Manage worlds
Manage permissions
Manage blocks/items

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