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A simple and customizable tag via 'config.yml'. Shows your health, hunger, connection, device, cps and faction (ONLY IF YOU ACTIVATE SUPPORT). The best tag for Pocketmine 4.0 servers.
# ____ _____ __ __ ___ ____ _____ _ ____ __ __
# | _ \ | ____| \ \ / / |_ _| / ___| | ____| / \ / ___| | \/ |
# | | | | | _| \ \ / / | | | | | _| / _ \ | | | |\/| |
# | |_| | | |___ \ V / | | | |___ | |___ / ___ \ | |___ | | | |
# |____/ |_____| \_/ |___| \____| |_____| /_/ \_\ \____| |_| |_|
# by fernanACM
# A simple and customizable tag via 'config.yml'. Shows your health, hunger,
# connection, device, cps and faction (ONLY IF YOU ACTIVATE SUPPORT).
# The best tag for Pocketmine 4.0 servers.
config-version: "1.0.0"
# ======(KEYS)======
# {HEALTH} => player life
# {MAX_HEALTH} => player max life
# {FOOD} => player's hunger
# {MAX_FOOD} => player's max hunger
# {PING} => player connection
# {DEVICE} => player device
# {CPS} => player cps
# {WORLD} => world name
# {FACTION} => faction name
# {FACTION_RANK} => faction rank
# {FACTION_POWER} => faction power
# "{LINE}" => "\n",
# & => §,
# "{BLACK}" => TextFormat::BLACK,
# "{DARK_BLUE}" => TextFormat::DARK_BLUE,
# "{DARK_GREEN}" => TextFormat::DARK_GREEN,
# "{CYAN}" => TextFormat::DARK_AQUA,
# "{DARK_RED}" => TextFormat::DARK_RED,
# "{PURPLE}" => TextFormat::DARK_PURPLE,
# "{GOLD}" => TextFormat::GOLD,
# "{GRAY}" => TextFormat::GRAY,
# "{DARK_GRAY}" => TextFormat::DARK_GRAY,
# "{BLUE}" => TextFormat::BLUE,
# "{GREEN}" => TextFormat::GREEN,
# "{AQUA}" => TextFormat::AQUA,
# "{RED}" => TextFormat::RED,
# "{PINK}" => TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE,
# "{YELLOW}" => TextFormat::YELLOW,
# "{WHITE}" => TextFormat::WHITE,
# "{ORANGE}" => "§6"
# "{BOLD}" => TextFormat::BOLD,
# "{RESET}" => TextFormat::RESET
# ======(FACTION SUPPORT)======
# Use "true" or "false" to enable/disable this option
FactionSupport: true
# have no faction
no-faction: "§5NO FACTION"
# Have no faction rank
no-faction-rank: "§5NO RANK"
# ======(DEVICE TAG)======
line: "&c♥ {HEALTH}&f | {FOOD}{LINE}&aPing: &f{PING} |&6 CPS:&f {CPS} |&b {DEVICE}{LINE}&cFaction: &a{FACTION}&f | &cPower:&a {FACTION_POWER}&f | &cRank:&a {FACTION_RANK}"
Author | Plugin |
DaPigGuy | PiggyFactions |
AyzrixYTB | SimpleFaction |
Redes | Tag | Link |
YouTube | fernanACM | YouTube |
Discord | fernanACM#5078 | Discord |
GitHub | fernanACM | GitHub |
Poggit | fernanACM | Poggit |
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