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A Plugin For Pocketmine-MP To Change Gamemode With UI
# GamemodeUI plugin
# Made By FlynnKunz and fernanACM
# Use "§" as formatting codes
# Use "\n" to break into new line
# ======(PREFIX)======
Prefix: "§l§7[§eGM§7]§8»§r "
# ======(MESSAGES FORMS)======
# Set The Title
title: "§l§9GAMEMODE MENU"
# Set The Content
content: "§eSelect your game mode:"
# Buttons
button-survival: "§2§lSurvival\n§r§0Tap To Change"
button-creative: "§2§lCreative\n§r§0Tap To Change"
button-adventure: "§2§lAdventure\n§r§0Tap To Change"
button-spectator: "§2§lSpectator\n§r§0Tap To Change"
button-exit: "§4§lEXIT§r\n§r§0Tap To Change"
survival: "§eYour game mode has been changed to §dSURVIVAL"
creative: "§eYour game mode has been changed to §dCREATIVE"
adventure: "§eYour game mode has been changed to §dADVENTURE"
spectator: "§eYour game mode has been changed to §dSPECTATOR"
survival: "§4You Dont Have Permission To Use This Commands"
creative: "§4You Dont Have Permission To Use This Commands"
adventure: "§4You Dont Have Permission To Use This Commands"
spectator: "§4You Dont Have Permission To Use This Commands"
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