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This documentation was last updated for version 2.4.0
A miscellaneous collection of commands and listener modules. All features can be configured to be disabled|enabled so as to co-exist with other plugins.
This plugin is focused more towards commands to help system administration.
This plugin collects a number of commands and listener plugins that I find useful and wanted to have in a single plugin rather through multiple ones. The available commands and listener modules can be configured. This allows this plugin to co-exist peacefully with other plugins.
The following commands are available:
after: schedule command after a number of seconds
usage: after <seconds> <command>|list|cancel <id>
Will schedule to run command after seconds. The list sub command will show all the queued commands. The cancel sub command allows you to cancel queued commands.
alias: Create a new command alias
usage: alias [-f] <alias> <command> [options]
Create an alias to a command. Use the -f to override existing commands
as: run command as somebody else
usage: as <player> <command>
at: schedule command at an appointed date/time
usage: at <time> [:] _<command>|list|cancel <id>
Will schedule to run command at the given date/time. This uses php's strtotime function so times must follow the format described in Date and Time Formats. The list sub command will show all the queued commands. The cancel sub command allows you to cancel queued commands.
blowup: explode a player
usage: blowup <player> [yield] [magic] [normal]
Explodes player with an explosion with the given yield (a number). If magic is specified no damage will be taken by blocks. The default is normal, where blocks do get damaged.
burn: Burns the specified player
usage: burn <player> [secs]
Sets player on fire for the specified number of seconds. Default is 15 seconds.
chat-on|chat-off: Allow players to opt-out from chat
usage: chat-on|chat-off [player|--list|--server]
Prevents players from sending/receiving chat messages. The following options are recognized:
clearchat: Clears your chat window
usage: clearchat
clearhotbar: Clear player's hotbar
usage: clearhotbar [player]
clearinv: Clear player's inventory
usage: clearinv [player]
crash: manage crash dumps
usage: crash [ls|clean|show]
Will show the number of crash files in the server. The following optional sub-commands are available:
dismiss: Dismiss a previously summoned player
usage: dismiss <player> [message]
entities: entity management
usage: entities [subcommand] [options]
By default it will show the current entities. The following sub-commands are available:
Additionally, tiles can be specified by providing the following:
fly: Toggle flying ONLY FOR PM >1.5
usage: fly
follow: Follow a player
usage: follow <player>
follow-off: stop following a player
usage: follow-off
followers: List who is following who
usage: followers
followme: Make a player follow you
usage: folowme <player>
followme-off: stop making a player follow you
usage: followme-off <player>
freeze|thaw: freeze/unfreeze a player so they cannot move.
usage: freeze|thaw [ player | --hard|--soft ]
Stops players from moving. If no player specified it will show the list of frozen players.
If --hard or --soft is specified instead of a player name, it will change the freeze mode.
ftserver: Travel to remove servers
usage: ftserver <serverid>
Teleport to servers defined with the /servers command.
get: obtain an item
usage: get <item> [count]
This is a shortcut to give that lets player get items for themselves. You can replace item with more and the current held item will be duplicated.
gift: give an item to a player
usage: gift [player] <item> [count]
This is a re-implementation of give command.
gma: Change your gamemode to Adventure.
usage: gma
gmc: Change your gamemode to Creative.
usage: gmc
gms: Change your gamemode to Survival.
usage: gms
gmspc: Change your gamemode to Spectator.
usage: gmspc
heal: Restore health to a player
usage: heal [player] [ammount]
Heals a player. If the amount is positive it will heal, if negative the player will be hurt. The units are in 1/2 hearts.
invis: makes player invisible
usage: invis
This will toggle your invisibility status.
mute|unmute: mutes/unmutes a player so they can not use chat
usage: mute|unmute [player]
Stops players from chatting. If no player specified it will show the list of muted players.
nick: Change your display name
usage: nick <name>
opms: sends a message to ops only
usage: opms [msg]
Sends chat messages that are only see by ops. Only works with ops that are on-line at the moment. If you no ops are on-line you should use the rpt command.
ops: Shows who are the ops on this server.
usage: ops
perm: temporarily change player's permissions
usage: perm <player> <dump|permission> [true|false]
This can be used to temporarily change player's permissions. Changes are only done in-memory, so these will revert if the disconnects or the server reloads. You can specify a permission and it will show it's value or if true|false is specified it will be changed. If you specify dump, it will show all permissions associated to a player.
players: Shows what players are on-line
usage: players
pluginmgr: manage plugins
usage: pluginmgr <subcmd> <plugin>
Manage plugins. The following sub-commands are available:
poptp: Returns to the previous location
usage: poptp
prefix: prepend prefix to chat lines
usage: prefix [-n] <prefix text>
This allows you to prepend a prefix to chat lines. To stop enter /prefix by itself (or prefix at the console). Usage examples:
When prefix is enabled and you one to send just one command without prefix, prepend your text with <.
pushtp: Saves current location and teleport
usage: pushtp <player> [target]
query: query remote servers
usage: query [list|info|plugins|players|summary] [opts]
This is a query client that you can use to query other remote servers.
Servers are defined with the servers command.
connections.rcon: rcon client
usage: rcon <id> <command>
This is an rcon client that you can used to send commands to other remote servers identified by id.
You can specify multiple targets by separating with commas (,). Otherwise, you can use --all keyword for the id if you want to send the commands to all configured servers.
Use the servers command to define the rcon servers.
reg: Manage player registrations
usage: reg [subcommand] [options]
By default it will show the number of registered players. The following sub-commands are available:
reop: Let ops drop priviledges temporarily
usage: reop [player]
Will drop op priviledges from player. Player can get op back at any time by enter reop again or by disconnecting.
rminv: Remove item from player's Inventory
usage: rminv [player] <item> [quantity]
rpt: report an issue to ops
usage: rpt [message|read|clear <all|##>]
Logs/reports an issue to server ops. These issues are stored in a a file which can be later read by the server operators. Use this when there are no ops on-line. If there are ops on-line you should use the opms command.
The following ops only commands are available:
seearmor: Show player's armor
usage: seearmor <player>
seeinv: Show player's inventory
usage: seeinv <player>
servers: Manage peer server connections
usage: servers <add|rm|ls> [options]
This is used to manage the peer server definitions used by the RCON and QUERY modules.
servicemode: controls servicemode
usage: servicemode [on|off [message] ]
If on it will activate service mode. In service mode new players can not join (unless they are ops). Existing players can remain but may be kicked manually by any ops.
setarmor: Sets armor (even in creative)
usage: setarmor [player] [part] <quality>
This command lets you armor up. It can armor up creative players too. If no player is given, the player giving the command will be armored.
Part can be one of head, body, legs, or boots.
Quality can be one of none, leather, chainmail, iron, gold or diamond.
shield: player is protected from taking damage
usage: shield
This will toggle your shield status.
showtimings: Shows timing repots as reported by timings
usage: timings [t#]
If nothing specified it will list available reports. These are
of the form of timings.txt or timings1.txt
To specify a report enter t for timings.txt or t1 for timings1.txt.
skin: manage player's skins
usage: skin [player] [save|load|ls] [name]
Manipulate player's skins on the server. Sub-commands:
slay: Kills the specified player
usage: slay <player> [messsage]
Kills a player with an optional message.
spawn: Teleport player to spawn point
usage: spawn
spectator|unspectator: toggle a player's spectator mode (DEPRECATED)
usage: spectator|unspectator [player]
This command will turn a player into an spectator. In this mode players can move but not interact (i.e. can't take/give damage, can't place/break blocks, etc).
If no player was specified, it will list spectators.
summon: Summons a player to your location
usage: summon <player> [message]
throw: Throw a player in the air
usage: throw <player> [force]
whois: Gives detailed information on players
usage: whois <player>
Commands scheduled by at and after will only run as long as the server is running. These scheduled commands will not survive server reloads or reboots. If you want persistent commands, it is recommended that you use a plugin like TimeCommander
Display particles when a player gets hit
Broadcast player's using FastTransfer
This listener module will broadcast when a player uses FastTransfer
Broadcast player teleports
This listener module will broadcast when a player teleports to another location. It also generates some smoke and plays a sound.
Implements "@" command prefixes
Please refer to the CommandSelector section
Announce joining ops, and show server motd
This listener module will broadcast a message for ops joining a server.
Also, it will show the server's motd on connect.
Uses !! to repeat command with changes
If you want to repeat a previous command enter !! without any "/" in front. This works for commands and chat messages.
You can optionally append additional text to !! to do certain things:
with str2
This adds "@" prefixes for commands. See
for an explanation on prefixes.
This only implements the following prefixes:
The following selectors are implemented:
Configuration is through the config.yml file. The following sections are defined:
This section you can enable/disable commands and listener modules. You do this in order to avoid conflicts between different PocketMine-MP plugins. It has one line per feature:
feature: true|false
If true the feature is enabled. if false the feature is disabled.
This section configures peer servers. This can be used with rcon and query commands.
This plugin will honour the server language configuration. The languages currently available are:
You can provide your own message file by creating a file called messages.ini in the plugin config directory. Check github for sample files.
The following third party libraries are included:
Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu
All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
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