✅ HumanNPC

A Simple NPC Plugin For PocketMine 5 !
✅ Command:Permission & Help
💥 /hnpc : humannpc.command
💥 /rca : humannpc.rca
💡 Use /hnpc help : Show All Commands HNPC
✅ Notice
The plugin only supports getting skins from players not supporting skin mobs
✅ Example
💡 Spawn NPC
💥 Command: /hnpc spawn
💡 Add Command
💥 Player Command: /hnpc edit (id) addcmd rca {player} (command)
💥 Console Command: /hnpc edit (id) addcmd (command)
Is there a way to tp a player to a different world? if you have made different worlds?
Great so far! Could you make a Youtube tutorial for all the commands and functions
Hi mate i have a problem when i make a npc everything its ok, but if i stop the server and start again the npcs dont have skin just a color some solution?
Good Plugin, but please add that you can add more commands not only 1
Updated, hoping for a 5-star rating.
Good plugin!, it would be nice if the npc could teleported to the player
This plugin works great, I've been using it!
Server crashes after creating an NPC and also when editing or deleting one, unfortunately.
sorry, i will fix it right away