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Play sound when hit player with bow
command: hbow
permission: hypixelbow.cmd
default: op
To edit settings, open config.yml in plugin folder
# HypixelBow Configuration File
# will send to launched player and hit the projectile
# not to send, set to false.
# Replacement:
# {hp} : player's health
# {max_hp} : player's max health
# {damage} : amount of damage
# {name} : player's name
# {display} : player's display name
enable: true
volume: 1
pitch: 1
name: random.orb
enable: true
message: '§c{name} §7(§aHP: §e{hp}§7)'
enable: true
message: '§c{name} §7(§aHP: §e{hp}§7)'
enable: true
message: '§c{name} §7(§aHP: §e{hp}§7)'
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