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MailSystem is a feature-rich PocketMine plugin that allows players to create and manage a virtual mail system in-game.
version 1.0.1
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1 Review
Plugin Description §

MailSystem Plugin for PocketMine

MailSystem is a feature-rich PocketMine plugin that allows players to create and manage a virtual mail system in-game. Players can register custom email-like addresses, send messages to other players, and manage their inboxes.


  • Custom Email Registration: Players can register unique email-like addresses with a customizable suffix.
  • Mail Sending: Send messages to other players via their registered email addresses.
  • Inbox Management: Players can view their inbox, read messages, and see notifications for unread mail.
  • Persistent Storage: Mails and user data are stored in YAML files.
  • Localization Support: Easily customizable messages using languages.yml.



  • Usage: /mail <signup|send|inbox>
  • Description: Main command to interact with the mail system.


  1. signup

    • Usage: /mail signup <username>
    • Description: Register a unique email-like address.
  2. send

    • Usage: /mail send <recipient> <message>
    • Description: Send a message to another registered player.
  3. inbox

    • Usage: /mail inbox
    • Description: View your inbox and read messages.



Customize the plugin's behavior by modifying the configuration file:

# Mail System Configuration

# Suffix that will be appended to all mail addresses
mail-suffix: "mcpe@server"

# Maximum number of mails in inbox
max-inbox-size: 50

# Maximum number of mails in sent folder
max-sent-size: 30

# Maximum number of drafts
max-drafts: 10

# Time in seconds before marking a mail as "old" (for cleanup purposes)
mail-expiry: 604800  # 7 days



  • Default: true
  • Description: Allows players to use mail system commands.


  1. Place the plugin .phar file into your PocketMine plugins folder.
  2. Start your server to generate the configuration and language files.
  3. Edit config.yml and languages.yml as needed.
  4. Restart your server.


Feature Description
Add SQL Support Migrate data storage from YAML to SQL for improved scalability and speed.
Ensure compatibility with both MySQL and SQLite.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the plugin. Contributions to implement features from the TODO list are especially welcome!

What's new §
  • Fixed Versión Bug
  • Integrates UI

using v1.0.1
28 Jan 25
good plugin!
28 Jan 25
Tyyy ❤️

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Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @SoyDavs
License §

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