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NaviCompass allows your players to transfer between your server network and worlds with simplicity.
# Choose your transfer type:
# "external" will use an IP address and port to move players between SERVERS
# "internal" will use your preset command string to move players between WORLDS
# "hybrid" will include both transfer types
Transfer-Type: "hybrid"
# This is the command string that will be used to transfer players between WORLDS
# Don't worry about this if you're only using the EXTERNAL transfer type
# Use '{player}' for the player's name
# Use '{world}' for the world name
World-CMD: "multiworld tp {world} {player}"
# This is where you choose if world command should be run by the player or the console
# Don't worry about this if you're only using the EXTERNAL transfer type
# Options are: "console" and "player"
World-CMD-Mode: "console"
# Choose whether the command method should be enabled
Enabled: true
# This is name of the command that players will use to opent the UI
Name: "/servers"
# This is the command's description shown in the command window
Description: "Open the server list!"
# Choose whether to require players to have permission to use the command
Enabled: false
# This is the command's usage permission
Node: "navicompass.use"
# Choose whether the selector item should be enabled
Enabled: true
# Choose what item the server selector should be
# Default item is Compass (345)
Item: 345
# Set the cooldown for using the compass to open the UI
# Choose whether the cooldown should be enabled
Enabled: true
# Set the duration of the cooldown
Duration: 1
# Message sent to the player when the item is on cooldown
# Set to false to disable the message
Message: "§cCompass is on cooldown!"
# Choose what slot of the player's inventory the selector should appear in
# The range for this input is 0-35 (0-8 are the player's hotbar)
Slot: 1
# Choose whether to prevent players from dropping or moving the selctor to different slots
Force-Slot: true
# This is the text that will show on the selector in the player's inventory
Name: "§l§aServer Selector"
# This is the selector item's description that is displayed under the name
Lore: "§bClick for Servers"
# This is the title of the transfer UI
Title: "§9Server List"
# This is the message that will show under the title on the transfer UI
Message: "§aChoose a server to transfer to!"
# Edit the format for online servers
Online: "§aOnline"
# This is where you edit the format for offline servers
Offline: "§cOffline"
# This is the message displayed under each SERVER button
# Use '{current-players}' for the server's current player count
# Use '{max-players}' for the server's max player count
# Use '{status}' to show whether the server is online or offline (the colors can be customized under Status-Format)
Server: "§r{status} §8(§a{current-players}§8/§b{max-players}§8)"
# This is the message displayed under each WATERDOG button
# Don't worry about this if you're only using the EXTERNAL transfer type
WaterDog: "§r§o§8Tap to transfer"
# This is the message displayed under each WORLD button
# Use '{current-players}' for the world's current player count
World: "§r§o§8Tap to teleport §8(§a{current-players} §eplayer(s)§8)"
# Choose what sound (if any) to play when opening the UI
UI: "random.pop"
# Choose what sound (if any) to play while transferring SERVERS
Transfer: "mob.blaze.shoot"
# Choose what sound (if any) to play while teleporting between WORLDS
Teleport: "random.anvil_use"
# Set the delay to show the title before transferring/teleporting
# This value is in seconds (default is 2 seconds)
# Set this to false or 0 for no delay
Delay: 2
# Set the formatting for the title shown to players when transferring SERVERS
Transfer: "§a§oTransferring..."
# Set the formatting for the title shown to players when teleporting between WORLDS
Teleport: "§a§oTeleporting..."
This is where you list your servers/worlds to be displayed on the server UI
Server format: "ext:ServerTitle:ServerIP:ServerPort:ImageType:Path/URL"
WaterDog server format: "wd:ServerTitle:ServerName:ImageType:Path/URL"
World format: "int:WorldTitle:WorldAlias:ImageType:Path/URL"
- "ext:§l§6Lobby §"
- "ext:§l§2Prison §"
- "wd:§l§3Sky§cBlock §"
- "wd:§l§bFactions §eServer:factions"
- "int:§l§5Creative §"
- "int:§l§cKitPvP §eServer:kitpvp"
Supports latest MCPE Version and PM.
is no longer needed; the plugin uses the API function to transfer playersReply to review by :
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