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Change your nickname with ease!
# _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
# | \ | | (_) ___ | | __ | | | | |_ _|
# | \| | | | / __| | |/ / | | | | | |
# | |\ | | | | (__ | < | |_| | | |
# |_| \_| |_| \___| |_|\_\ \___/ |___|
# by fernanACM
# Here you can make the necessary adjustments for the NickUI
# =======(SETTINGS)=======
# Write here nicknames that you do not like or are risque
# add the banned nicknames with the following example:
# Not-allow-custom-nicks:
# - Shit
# - Fuck
# - Bitch
- "Gay"
- "HomoSexual"
- "PocketMine-MP"
- "sucks"
- "FUCK"
- "bitch"
- "pmmp"
- "Servidor"
- "Console"
- "NickUI"
# Put the maximum characters for the nicks
characters: 10
# Add random nicknames with this example:
# Random-nicks:
# - Friend
# - ACM
# - Cars
- "ACM"
- "Jonatan"
- "Mrc"
- "AbelGod"
- "Naruto"
- "Pro"
- "Sipe"
- "New_122"
> Open NickUI/nickui help
> Command list/nickui set <nickname>
> Change your nick with one command/nickui random
> Change your name to a random nick with one command/nickui reset
> Return your nick to normal with one commandnickui.acm
Redes | Tag | Link |
YouTube | fernanACM | YouTube |
Discord | fernanACM#5078 | Discord |
GitHub | fernanACM | GitHub |
Poggit | fernanACM | Poggit |
Authors | Github | Lib |
CortexPE | CortexPE | Commando |
Muqsit | Muqsit | SimplePacketHandler |
Vecnavium | Vecnavium | FormsUI |
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