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PlaceholderAPI is a powerful and flexible placeholder system for PocketMine-MP. It allows you to easily manage placeholders and dynamically replace them in messages. Whether you're creating a server with custom features or just want to improve the player experience, PlaceholderAPI has you covered!
: Shows the current number of online players (count(Server::getInstance()->getOnlinePlayers())
: Shows the maximum number of players allowed on the server (Server::getInstance()->getMaxPlayers()
: Displays the server's Message of the Day (Server::getInstance()->getMotd()
: Displays the version of the server (Server::getInstance()->getVersion()
: Shows the IP address of the server (Server::getInstance()->getIp()
: Displays the port the server is running on (Server::getInstance()->getPort()
: Shows the name of the player ($player->getName()
: Displays the display name of the player ($player->getDisplayName()
: Shows the player's ping in milliseconds ($player->getNetworkSession()->getPing()
: Displays the player's IP address ($player->getNetworkSession()->getIp()
: Shows the player's current health ($player->getHealth()
: Displays the player's maximum health ($player->getMaxHealth()
: Displays the player's X-coordinate ($player->getPosition()->getX()
: Displays the player's Y-coordinate ($player->getPosition()->getY()
: Displays the player's Z-coordinate ($player->getPosition()->getZ()
: Shows the name of the world the player is in ($player->getWorld()->getDisplayName()
: Displays the current server time in H:i:s
format (date("H:i:s")
: Displays the current server date in Y-m-d
format (date("Y-m-d")
: Generates and shows a random number between 1 and 100 (mt_rand(1, 100)
: Displays the total number of worlds loaded on the server (count(Server::getInstance()->getWorldManager()->getWorlds())
: Shows the server's ticks per second rounded to two decimal places (round(Server::getInstance()->getTicksPerSecond(), 2)
: Displays the server's uptime in seconds since it started (round(microtime(true) - Server::getInstance()->getStartTime(), 2) . " seconds"
).For more detailed documentation and guides, please visit our wiki.
In your plugin or messages, you can use placeholders such as %online_players%
and %max_players%
. PlaceholderAPI will automatically replace them with the corresponding values.
$text = "%online_players%/%max_players%";
$player = $player;// If the player is not needed: $player = null;
$processedText = PlaceholderAPI::getInstance()->processPlaceholders($player, $text);
$this->getLogger()->info(processedText); // Output: 5/100 (Example output)
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