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The PlayerTitles plugin for PocketMine-MP allows players to view and manage their titles through a user-friendly UI. Server admins can create new titles either through the configuration file or by using in-game commands. Each player's currently equipped title is stored in an SQLite database, ensuring persistent title management.
file into the plugins
directory of your PocketMine-MP server.The plugin uses a config.yml
file for configuration. You can define titles and their display formats in this file. Example configuration:
# (!) DO NOT CHANGE (!)
version: 1
# (!) NOTICE (!)
# You can use '&' for color codes.
# use {title} in RankSystems config.yml to replace it with player's title
# e.g: "{chat_ranks_prefix}{chat_name-color}{display_name}{title}{chat_format}{message}"
# Permissions will be automatically applied. e.g:
# playertitles.title.example
# Configurable information for the plugin.
titles-per-page: 5 # How many titles to show per page
- "&r&aSelected Title: '{title}&a'"
no-title-perm: "&r&cYou don't have access to this title!"
example: # Identifier
display: "&r&8[&cExample&8]&r"
display: "&r&5Test&r"
# If the command exists, e.g "titles", the plugin will automatically unregister the vanilla command.
# IF renaming it to a vanilla command, make sure you wont need to use the command as it will no longer be available unless the
# command name is changed.
name: "title" # Main command
description: "Open titles menu"
- titles
# Configurable information for the forms available by the plugin.
name: "&r&8Titles"
back: "&r&8Previous Page"
next: "&r&8Next Page"
# Forms
name: "&r&8Titles"
back: "&r&8Previous Page"
next: "&r&8Next Page"
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