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The **Portals** plugin lets you create interactive portals in PocketMine-MP 5.0 .
version 1.0.1
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343 Downloads / 362 Total
1 Review
Plugin Description §

Portals Plugin

Welcome to the Portals plugin for PocketMine-MP! This plugin allows players to create and manage portals that execute commands or display messages when players enter them.


  • Create portals with custom names
  • Set positions for portals
  • Add commands to be executed when players enter a portal
  • Set messages to be displayed when players enter a portal
  • Delete existing portals


  • /portal create portalname: Create a new portal with the specified name.

  • /portal pos1: Set the first position of the portal by tapping a block.

  • /portal pos2: Set the second position of the portal by tapping a block.

  • /portal addcommand portalname <player/server> command: Add a command to be executed when a player enters the specified portal.

  • /portal msg portalname message: Set a message to be displayed when a player enters the specified portal.

  • /portal delete portalname: Delete the specified portal.

  • Note : /portal addcommand portalname player command : The command will be executed as the player who entered the portal.

  • Note : /portal addcommand portalname server command : The command will be executed as the server console.


  • portals.command: Allows the player to use the portal commands (default: op).


The configuration file (config.yml) is used to store portal data, including positions, commands, and messages. The plugin will automatically save the configuration file when portals are created or modified.


  1. Create a Portal: Use /portal create <portalname> to create a new portal with the specified name.
  2. Set Positions: Use /portal pos1 and /portal pos2 to set the two opposite corners of the portal by tapping blocks.
  3. Add Commands: Use /portal addcommand <portalname> <player/server> <command> to add a command that will be executed when a player enters the portal.
  4. Set Message: Use /portal msg <portalname> <message> to set a message that will be displayed when a player enters the portal.
  5. Delete a Portal: Use /portal delete <portalname> to delete the specified portal.


To create a portal named "example", set its positions, add a command, and set a message, follow these steps:

  1. /portal create example
  2. /portal pos1 (tap a block)
  3. /portal pos2 (tap another block)
  4. /portal addcommand example player say Welcome to the portal!
  5. /portal msg example You have entered the example portal.


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Place the plugin's .phar file in the plugins folder of your PocketMine-MP server.
  3. Start or restart the server to load the plugin.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Author: BrahmjotSingh0 Version: 1.0.0
API: 5.0.0
License: MIT

What's new §
  • Dont send empty string if no message is set, Fixed portal working on multiple worlds.
    • updated readme
  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'

using v1.0.0
25 Jul 24

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Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @BrahmjotSingh0
License §

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