TargetAPI: 3.9.0
Some minor updates to keep things compatible with new changes in PocketMine 3.9.0 Please check the contact info for ways to get assistance if you have problems with this plugin.
What's New
- Updates for Fireballs to fix crashes when spawning Ghasts
- Update protocols to match PocketMine-MP 3.9.0
- Various internal-only updates.
Known Issues
- Many config options are not working.
- Jumping Entities Need Movement Updates
- Flying Entities Need Movement Updates
- Blaze and Ghast Fireballs do not work as expected.
- Bosses Are Not Implemented (Elder Guardian, Ender Dragon, Wither)
- Many Mobs Need Updates for Specific AI
- All mobs from the Aquatic update and after, have not been implemented.
If you have questions, you can check the contact page in our Wiki or join the chat on Discord!

This plugin was originally Authored by milk0417. There have been significant changes and updates since it was abandoned and very little (if any) of the original code is left but we still want to pay homage to him/her/them for kickstarting such a very significant plugin. Thank your for your contributions.
PureEntitiesX is still undergoing development and will be experiencing many more updates and changes in the near future. As such, it is important to note that RevivalPMMP will not attempt to keep this plugin up to date with bleeding edge development. For this reason, we have started including a Target PocketMine-MP version with our releases. When seeking support, if you are using a version of PokcetMine-MP that is newer than the target release, it could cause significant delays in getting assistance.
Not updated. I founded an updated version:
Please update this plugin to api 4
I am big fan of this plugin
Hi, can you add the function blacklistworlds instead of enabledworlds? It will very simple if you can do this.
Finally animals on the server again, but when I feed the wolf with bones, the server crashes
It worked great, but with the update the server crashed
hey, if you could update this to the new protocol that would be awesome
Wth Altay itself has mob AI feature
How to make the Burger Spawner Mob attack?
Crashes a lot if u have world gaurd
if I type /plot "plugin disable" please fix it
Good Plugin, but Mobs spawns not! I have der a Custom MultiWorld world Name in the Config, gut the Mobs doesn't Spawn! Pls fix!
I love it but plz add nether update mobs
Please fix that animals spawn somewhere in a spawner and not within a small radius around the spawner. It is best to make the radius adjustable in the config.In addition, animals that spawn in the wall and in blocks also spawn.
The number #1 must have plugin for any server. Great job.
Call to a member function dropExperience() on null
Please open an issue on so we can get this fixed
for me,there is no crashes except would be nice that it could be set to one world only. not for all. Like I have lobby and survival factions. but ai spawns in every world. even my mini game bedwars shop(viliger) runs away fall down and die. no fun there.:D
true. sometimes works good but not for long eventually it crashes server
such a great plugin its helped my server lot but its need fix mobs are looking up or down
One problem it’s too good
MultWorld Support, pleace!
Not even a single mob knows how to jump. Also some mobs spwan in the middle of the air and then just die. there is also an issue with chickens swinging his wings even when on ground. still have great expectations
Good plugins but they need update he have a bug whit the chance spawn mob
This weird looking needs to stop .
Just to make a update, skeletons won’t shoot you but only shoots when right in front of you (No range)
Good, bu twhy do the mobs spawn in every world, even if I write only 1 world in the config?
I absolutely love everyone who is making this plugin happen, thank you so much <3
My server crash with this plugin and it lags so much u muss have a loot of ram
This seems like an awesome plugin! There is one problem. :( I crashes my server. Pls fix.
This seems like an awesome plugin! There is one problem. :(
I crashes my server. Pls fix.
works great but my mobs seem to be jumping high and they all can swim?
Rating 3 cuz theres no update for the latest version of pocketmine but appear to be really useful.. i want to use indeed but my host is using the newest pm.. will rate 5 when released the newest version.
Thanks for the review DeCarvalho83. As of 4/19/2018, an updated version of the plugin was released that's compatible with 3.0.0-ALPHA12. It will need to be voted on before it makes it to the release page. Please look for it in the reviews section.
Have not tested this fully, but it does spawn mobs which is awesome. Small issue with Creepers and Zombies though. Creepers do not always die when attacked while constantly exploding on each attack and zombies are on fire during the evening.
Thanks for the feedback! Those issues are reported and will be fixed in future updates.
Hey! What about this plugin???
A must have for Pocketmine!