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Color your leather armor with RGB-ARMOR, simple and easy to use. This plugin does not belong to me, but to mohagames, who is the original author of this plugin.
# ____ ____ ____ _
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# |_| \_\ \____| |____/ /_/ \_\ |_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_|
# By fernanACM and mohagames
#Color your armor with RGB codes!
#A simple RGB menu that will allow you to color your leather armor to your liking.
#Here you can get the rgb codes for the plugin:
#Examples RGB:
#Button SINGLE --X
#Single: "r, g, b" = 233,112,341
#Button MULTIPLE --X
#Helmet: "r, g, b" = 217,188,172
#Chestplate: "r, g, b" = 188,372,299
#Pants: "r, g, b" = 352,261,222
#Boots: "r, g, b" = 255,255,255
# Prefix RGBArmor plugin:
Prefix: "§l§7[§5RGB§dArmor§7]§8»§r "
# Messages plugin:
RGB-CODE: "§gThis RGB code is invalid!"
Error: "§gPlease fill in all fields"
MenuContent: "§l§eSingle:§r Make a whole set with the same color\n\n§l§eMultiple:§r Customise each armor piece\n\n"
# Buttons
ButtonSingle: "§l§9Single\n§r§0Click"
ButtonMultiple: "§l§bMultiple\n§r§0Click"
ButtonExit: "§l§4Exit\n§r§0Menu"
/rgb - Command to open RGB menu
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YouTube | fernanACM | YouTube |
Discord | fernanACM#5078 | Discord |
GitHub | fernanACM | GitHub |
Poggit | fernanACM | Poggit |
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