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Monster Spawner plugin with some different and useful functions.
version 2.0.0
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1644 Downloads / 2276 Total
2 Reviews
Plugin Description §

Last Commit Poggit


  • SakuraSpawners is a plugin which adds the functionalities of the Monster Spawner block with some different and useful functions, for PocketMine-MP.


Command Description Permission
/spawner SakuraSpawners main command sakuraspawners.command.main
/hitkill Kill all entities together in one hit sakuraspawners.command.hitkill


Permission Description
sakuraspawners.stack Be able to stack entities with their own egg
sakuraspawners.change Be able to change the entity in a spawner with an egg

How can I get a Spawner?

At the moment there is only one way in which you can get a spawer, using the /give command.


Command Item ID:META Result
/give 52:10 Chicken Spawner
/give 52:11 Cow Spawner
/give 52:12 Pig Spawner

Remembering that the id of the spawner is 52 and the id of the desired entity is the meta.

  • If you want to see all available entity ids you can see them HERE !

How can I get a Spawn Egg?

In the same way as the spawner, use:


Command Item ID:META Result
/give 383:10 Chicken Egg
/give 383:11 Cow Egg
/give 383:12 Pig Egg

Remembering that the id of the spawn egg is 383 and the id of the desired entity is the meta.

For Developers

1. How can I add my own entity to a spawner? It is currently not possible to do this with minor changes. You would need to create a Spawner or SpawnerTile extension and register it using the TileFactory

2. How can I get a Monster Spawner or Spawn Egg? Using SakuraSpawnersItems as in the example below:

use DayKoala\item\SakuraSpawnersItems;

SakuraSpawnersItems::MONSTER_SPAWNER(); # Spawner
SakuraSpawnersItems::SPAWN_EGG(); # Spawn Egg
  • Remembering that the Monster Spawner is returned as a Block if you want it as an item use Block->asItem();
What's new §
  • Update
  • [Update] Changes applied for operation in PMMP 5.0.0
  • Spawner Stack Range Fix.
  • SpawnEggs!
    • New SpawnEggs.
    • It is now possible to interact with SpawnEggs on a Monster Spawner.
    • Added new subcommands.
  • Fixed Issue #1 .
    • Fixed issue about Spawner Entities were not able to spawn in liquids.

using v2.0.0
27 Jun 23
using v1.0.1
18 Mar 23
Good plugin bro :D

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Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @DayKoala
Vanilla Mechanics
Manage entities
Manage blocks/items
Manage tiles

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