Nice plugin. How can I remove numbers on scoreboard's right side?
what is the tag for economy api money and the pureperms rank?
Can You Add a Playtime System?
Thanks for updating it to api 5
this is very cool!,but how to custom display money on scorehud? Like 1k,1M,1B,1T
Great, but how can I display ranks form PurePerms and my economy form economyAPI?
@Savin1play140 write {} (:
how do i display the ping score {ping}?
How do i add faction name, and the faction power and ftop place? with faction master plugin?
How to add the faction name and the power pls because {factionsproscore.faction} and {factionsproscore.power} not work
Ask the author/maintainer of the factions plugin to add support for ScoreHud in their factions plugin and provide the tags. Its no longer the responsibility of ScoreHud to provide tags for other plugins.
Update basicscore please fast
You dont need basic score with v7 of scorehud as basic score is now integrated within scorehud. and you can simply use, for example: `` instead of `` for player name.
4.0.0 update plisssssssss
Update to api version 4.0.0 plisss
Please update to api 4.0.0
How to add rank to scorehud
Use the PurePermsScore plugin and then add {ppscore.rank} to scorehud.yml.
International Server Error
There is no such error as "International Server Error". If however, you are facing any problem then do make an issue on github.
nice plugin, but can you add auto clear lagg count?
What are the plugin variables like {name} and {ping} etc
Nice plugin I wish you would add xp level in scoreboard ✨
I love this Plugin. It's work fine on my pmmp server.
Does it support Skyblock scoretags?
Yes it does, read here:
Good plugin but server is crashing due to an error Ifera\ScoreHud\session\PlayerSession::getScoreboard() must be an instance of Ifera\ScoreHud\scoreboard\Scoreboard, null returned
Hi Ifera just wanna let you know when I have fully edited and setup the plugin it doesn't let me join the server.
If there is an error then please make an issue on github.
Excellent plugin, easy to configure, does not cause errors, does its job and best of all, you can add one ScoreHud per world. Congratulations to the genius who created this plugin.
Great Plugin, However can you add back the addon functionality
Yeah I guess I will make another plugin for that functionality..
Ifera I was using scorehud and BasicScore I managed to fix problem but the Dev build that disables if not scorehud I think needs fixing as I had it and console error
Hi, this error has been fixed on the latest dev build.
Amazing, but am still using 6.2(not due to bugs)
To everyone below me! Did you know you can install a use a differnt version?
Scroll to the top
Under the quick description in the top right corner there is a switch version!(Mobile is under “How to Install”)
: ParseError: "syntax error, unexpected 'array' (T_ARRAY), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST)" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/ScoreHud.phar/src/Ifera/ScoreHud/libs/jackmd/scorefactory/ScoreFactory" at line 40
Your PHP binary is outdated. Please update to 7.4+.
você poderia criar uma lista de todas as configurações do ScoreHud?
Using google translate here.. The available settings could be found in the scorehud.yml or config.yml. For the available tags, you may read the readme on github of those plugins.
In was für einen Ordner muss man die Adons speichern?
Using google translate here.. Addons were removed. You don't need addons anymore.
The new v6.0.1 update has completely broken the plugin.
It's not broken.. Just that addons were removed.. :)
5.2.0 actually better than 6
no ones stopping you to use 5.2.0 in that case. i have explained in great detail over at discord, github issues and in the readme on as to why 6.0 is better. Both in terms of performance and scalability. Only thing 5.2 had that 6.0 doesn't is the pre-built addons. But this shouldn't stop you from using v6. Ask the plugin authors to make their plugins compatible with v6.0. ScoreHud merely serves as an API and can be easily expanded to suit any of your needs.
The Hud is blinking, please fix it. Maybe use AsyncTask.
AsyncTask has nothing to do with this. Kindly use the v6.0.1+ update. It should have performance improvements
How do I change the font in this plugin?
Please fix addon skyblock
Please ask the author of that plugin to fix and support it. ScoreHud only provides the API.