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With this plugin players can now sell items specifed through the items.yml
Sell had a huge code rewrite on January 7, 2025
This rewrite introduced configurable and easy to use Sell plugin.
One of the best out there forsure!
Configurable messages
Sell Hand - Reduces the amount of items specifed by the player (e.g. /sellhand 10)
Sell - Sells the entire stack the player is holding and checks through the inventory to sell the same item. (e.g. if a player is holding diamonds and they run the command it will not only sell the diamond the player is holding but all diamonds the diamonds the player has in its inventory)
Sell All - Checks through the players inventory for sellable items
Auto Sell - When enabled any sellable items the player picks up or has gets sold automatically
/sellhand <amount>
This plugin requires one of the 3 economy plugin:
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