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A PMMP plugin that add an item which can sell the contents of containers (Chest, Hopper, Furnace, etc.)
version 1.0.0
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Plugin Description §


A PMMP plugin that add an item which can sell the contents of containers (Chest, Hopper, Furnace, etc.)


To get started, install the Customies plugin to your plugins folder

Then, start your server and give yourself a Sell Wand using the command /give <name> sell_wand:sell_wand


Inside of the plugin_data/SellWand/config.yml file, you may change the following:

  • item - Item configuration

    • texture - The texture of the item
    • name - The name of the Item
  • economy - This is used to determine which economy system to use

    • provider - The economy provider: economyapi | bedrockeconomy | xp
  • behaviour - The behaviour of the Sell Wand

    • send-confirm-form - Do we send a Form to the user asking them for confirmation
    • drop-if-not-fit - Do we drop the items on the ground if they doesn't fit in their container (or if it is destroyed)
    • drop-at-player-feet - Do we drop the items at the player feet instead of at the container location
  • messages - These are messages that will be sent to the player depending of the outcomes of the transaction

    • success - The message sent when items are sold successfully
    • failed - The message sent when the items weren't
    • no-items - The message sent when there are no items in the container
    • form-title - The title of the confirmation Form
    • form-content - The content of the confirmation Form
  • sell - A list of items that can be sold. Use the format <item_name>: <price>

Supported API versions
EconomyAPI 5.7.3-PM4
View Plugin
Customies 1.3.2
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BedrockEconomy 2.1.2
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Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @Joestarfish
License §
Manage blocks/items

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