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A super secure captcha plugin for PocketMine-MP 5
version 1.0.0
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Plugin Description §

UltimateCaptcha Plugin for PocketMine-MP

UltimateCaptcha Icon


UltimateCaptcha is a highly secure and customizable captcha plugin designed for PocketMine-MP 5.x. This plugin helps protect your server by requiring players to complete a captcha before they can interact with the world. It ensures that only legitimate players gain access while preventing automated bots from causing trouble.


  • Customizable Captcha: Configure captcha type, text length, and case sensitivity.
  • UI Integration: Uses Vecnavium FormsUI for a sleek and intuitive user interface.
  • Player Verification Persistence: Once a player successfully completes the captcha, they won’t need to do it again unless specified in the config.
  • Discord Notifications: Sends alerts to a Discord webhook when a player fails the captcha multiple times.
  • Fully Configurable: All settings, including messages, colors, and webhook URLs, are customizable via config.yml.


  • PocketMine-MP 5.x
  • Vecnavium FormsUI


  1. Download the latest release of UltimateCaptcha from GitHub Releases.
  2. Place the UltimateCaptcha folder in the plugins directory of your PocketMine-MP server.
  3. Ensure that Vecnavium FormsUI is installed and loaded.
  4. Start your server and modify the config.yml file located in plugins/UltimateCaptcha/resources/ to suit your needs.


Here is an example config.yml file:

  ShowOnEveryJoin: false
  MaxAttempts: 3
  NotifyOnSuspicious: true
  CaptchaType: "TEXT"
  RandomTextLength: 6
  UseCaseSensitive: true
  ResendFormDelay: 0
  BlockMovement: true
  BlockInteract: true
  BlockCommands: true
  BlockChat: true

  Title: "§l§bUltimateCaptcha"
  Description: "Please complete this captcha to unlock!"
  WrongAnswer: "§cIncorrect captcha. Try again!"
  CorrectAnswer: "§aYou have passed the captcha!"
  SuspiciousAlert: "§cYou have exceeded the maximum attempts!"
  BlockedInteract: "§cYou must complete the captcha first!"

  WebhookURL: ""
  SuspiciousMessage: "Player {player} might be a bot! Too many captcha failures."


Permission Description Default
ultimatecaptcha.command.captcha Allows players to use the /captcha command false
ultimatecaptcha.bypass Allows players to bypass the captcha op


  • /captcha: Forces the captcha form to appear again for the player using the command.

How It Works

  1. When a player joins the server, they will be prompted with a captcha if:
    • They haven’t completed the captcha before.
    • ShowOnEveryJoin is set to true in config.yml.
  2. Players must correctly type the random text displayed in the captcha form.
  3. If a player fails the captcha multiple times (based on MaxAttempts), a Discord alert will be sent if NotifyOnSuspicious is enabled.
  4. Once a player successfully completes the captcha, they are added to verifiedPlayers.yml, ensuring they won’t see the captcha again unless ShowOnEveryJoin is enabled.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, please open an issue in the GitHub Issues section.


For further inquiries or support, please contact the plugin developer via GitHub.

Thank you for using UltimateCaptcha! Protect your server and enjoy a bot-free environment!

Supported API versions
Producers §
  • Collaborators:
    • @SoyDavs
License §
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