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This is the official recode of my old plugin WFT, witch had some issues. Overall I was not happy with the result, the code was messy, it was all in one file, there was useless and in-efficient code, with a hard api to use, so decided to recode it.
I have added features, because I felt the plugin needed them, and removed features, as some features where not needed.
Migration: This should have been added on 1.0, but texts from WFT-OLD will now be automaticly migrated to WFT format.
Language support: You can now change the language of the plugin to suit your server.
Display identifier: You can now turn on or off the option to see the texts unique identifier (Much like Texter, but optional).
More tags: Added many more tags for better, they are also player specific.
Per-Player texts: Players will now get a specific text depending on what tag you use.
Packets: The old plugin used entities, putting more load on the server, whereas this plugin uses packets, therefore creating a more lightweight plugin.
Efficient and pretty code: The code in this plugin is WAY more efficient and clean that the old plugin. The code is also spaced out in multiple files.
Status: Fixed
Version: >=1.3.5
Fixed in: <=1.3.6
Status: Fixed
Version: >=1.3.4
Fixed in: <=1.3.5
Status: Fixed
Version: >=1.3.1
Fixed in: <=1.3.2
Status: Fixed
Version: >=1.3.2
Fixed In: <=1.3.3
Master command is ft|wft.master
Subcommand | Permission | Description | Aliases |
wft |
wft.command.use |
The master command | ft |
add |
~ | Add a new ft |
spawn , summon , new , make , create , c , a
remove |
~ | Remove a existing ft |
break , delete , bye , d , r , |
edit |
~ | Edit an existing ft |
e , change
tp |
~ | Teleport to an ft |
teleportto , tpto , goto , teleport
tphere |
~ | Teleport a ft to you |
teleporthere , movehere , bringhere , tph , move
list |
~ | See a list of the current fts |
see , all
help |
~ | So you can get some in-game help |
stuck , h , ?
reload |
~ | Re-read and reload all texts | - |
Tag | Description |
# |
New line |
& |
Use for color codes (same as § ) |
{NAME} |
Players real name |
Players real name |
Players display name (often nick plugins use display name) |
{PING} |
Players Current Ping |
Maximum players that can be on the server |
Currently online player count |
{X} |
Players X Position |
{Y} |
Players Y Position |
{Z} |
Players Z Position |
Current server tps |
{TPS} |
Average server tps |
Current server load |
{LOAD} |
Average server load |
Players current level name |
Players current level folder name |
Players current level player count |
The IP address that the player connected from |
The servers IP address |
{TIME} |
Current server time (Customisable in config) |
{DATE} |
Current server date (Customisable in config) |
See how to create your own here
But feel free to add your own!
- Docs are presented:
$varableName // [varableType] explanation
Import the classes
Creating the text
// Creation and registration
$position = new Position($x, $y, $z, $world);
$identifier, // [STRING] Unique identifier that is used in the api to manipulate the text in future
$text, // [STRING] In raw, the text that you want for the text's content
$position, // [OBJECT: POSITION] Where the text is placed in the server
($spawnToAll) // [BOOL] (optional) Whether the text is spawned to the server on creation
($saveText) // [BOOL] (optional) Whether WFT creates a config file for the text and reloads it when the server is restarted (set to false if you are going to be registering texts on enable)
); // Returns the created text
// Spawning (unnecessary if $spawnToAll is true)
// (identifier is the one used to register the ft)
WFT::getInstance()->getTextManager()->getActions()->spawnTo($player, $identifier);
// or
Getting and changing the text's content
// Getting the ft
$floatingText = WFT::getInstance()->getTextManager()->getTextById($identifier);
// Changing the text
// Pushing the update
WFT::getInstance()->getTextManager()->getActions()->respawnTo($player, $floatingText);
// or
Removing the text
// Remove the text
That's it, the rest is handled by the plugin
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